CSR Committee Organization

In 2021, Simplo started a new journey of corporate sustainable development and officially established CSR Committee. A Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) has been appointed under the Committee to lead the CSR Office in coordinating the operation of the Committee.

Five functional task forces have been established according to organizational functions, namely green manufacturing, innovative technologies, sustainable supply chain, social engagement, and corporate governance, with first-level executives as executive secretaries to lead the task forces to implement the sustainability goals.

Through the operation of the sustainability governance organization, the company brings itself in line with international sustainability trends and requirements, in order to become the leading manufacturer for the green solutions and sustainable development of clients.


CSR Committee Calendar

Item Operation Reporting frequency
Board of Directors Guide sustainable development implementation results The CSR office reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year. 
The reporting dates to the Board are as follows:

(1) 2024.08.13 – Sustainability Committee Work Report

(2) 2024.11.06 – Sustainability Committee Work Report
CSR Committee Analysis international sustainability trends, formulate medium and long-term goals, review goal achievement The CSR office reports to the Chairman every six months.
CSR Committee Task Forces Execute sustainable proposals and review results Meetings are held quarterly or as appropriate

The company's board of directors must listen to the report of the CSR Sustainability Committee (including the ESG report) at least once a year. The Sustainability Development Committee must propose to the board of directors the management policy, strategy, current status, and future goals of major topics of sustainable development, and the board of directors must make judgments. The likelihood of success of these strategies also requires frequent review of the progress of the strategies and urging the team to make adjustments when necessary.The report to the board of directors is as follows:

  • Amendment of Simplo’s “Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles”

  • Report of the GHG inventory and the certification schedule planning in response to the “Roadmap

  • CSR Annual Work Report

  • “Corporate Governance 3.0 -Sustainable Development Roadmap” implementation status report

CSR Achievements