Basic Information

Raymond Sung   General Manager

Mr. Sung Fu-Hsiang holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Taipei Institute of Technology. He has served as a manager at Anpei Enterprise Co., Ltd. ,a divisional head at AST Computer, and a divisional head at Kingston Technology Corporation. With many years of industry experience, he guides the long-term strategic direction of the Simplo Group's business development. His outstanding leadership abilities and exceptional achievements have earned the company numerous accolades and honors.

Stock Code 6121
Market TPEx-listed
Industry Computer & Peripheral Equipment
Principal Activities Battery manufacturing pack assembly (laptop & cell phone battery pack) development and sales.
Date of Establishment 1992/4/16
Date of Listing 2001/11/27
Paid-in Capital NT$ 1,849,705,190
Market Value About NT$ 72.1 billion(2025-01-216 closing price)
Chairman Raymond Sung
Spokesman Jeanie Wei
Address No.471, Sec. 2, Bade Rd, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County 303, Taiwan, R.O.C
Stock Transfer Agent Stock  Agency Department, Taishin Securities Co., Ltd.
Accounting Firm Deloitte & Touche
Telephone +886-3-5695920
Fax +886-3-5695931
Email Address




Chief Corporate Governance Officer

On May 10, 2023, the Company’s board of directors approved the appointment of Wei Ching-Wen, deputy general manager of the administrative management department, to concurrently serve as the director of corporate governance and  has been in a managerial position for at least three years in a public company in handling financial. The main responsibilities of the corporate governance officer include handling matters related to board meetings and shareholder meetings in accordance with the law, preparing minutes for board and shareholder meetings, assisting directors with their appointments and ongoing education, providing the necessary information for directors to carry out their duties, and helping directors comply with legal regulations.

The situation for the year 2024 is as follows :
Training date Organizer Course Name  Training Hours
starting end
2024/10/24 2024/10/24 Accounting Research and Development Foundation How Internal Audit Personnel Can Apply Digital Forensics in the Protection and Investigation of Trade Secrets 6
2024/12/25 2024/12/25 Accounting Research and Development Foundation Legal Responsibilities and Internal Control Practices Regarding Employee Fraud 6