SIMPLO(6121) 2017 to be prepared for cash reduction case press conference

Lithium battery module leader SIMPLO Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SIMPLO Technology) today (Republic of China March 29, 106) announced the adoption of the cash reduction fund by the board of directors, proposed to reduce the capital reduction of 40%, refund part of the money to the shareholder. The Board of Directors also passed the Earnings Allocation Plan. In 105 years, the Republic of China achieved a profit of NT 9.09 per share. It planned to allocate a cash dividend of 6 yuan. If the shareholders' meeting successfully passed the two cases, shareholders will get NT 10 cash.

SIMPLO currently has 308,284,198 outstanding shares outstanding. The cash reduction amount is NT 1,233,136,790 and 123,313,679 shares are sold out. The cash reduction ratio is 40% and the cash refund is NT 4 per share. After deducting capital actually paid capital of NT 1,849,705,190. The case is intended to be submitted to the 106 regular shareholders' general meeting of the Republic of China and approved by the Competent Authority, the Board of Directors is empowered to make alternative plans for capital reduction, capital reduction and stock exchange exercise, capital reduction and stock exchange and IPO issues.

SIMPLO group over the years in the lithium battery module plowing success, for notebook computers, smartphones and other information products lithium battery module leader, sustained and stable profit, the account accumulated a lot of cash, in addition to the annual dividend to shareholders, Invest in new businesses and make positive changes. For new energy products, the sales of high-power electric bicycle and electric motorcycle lithium battery modules are the major ones. Two-wheeled electric vehicles have made remarkable achievements. It is believed that with the increasing awareness of environmental protection, it is expected that not only the two-wheeled electric vehicle market will continue to maintain High growth, the new general will benefit from the four-wheel electric car market demand. In addition, for the future consideration of clean energy, large-scale industrial and household energy storage will also be gradually progressing, the new universal layout in this market for many years, when the market will also receive great benefits mature! At the same time, in response to the advent of Industry 4.0, Ben The company also has a lot of ink in the field of industrial robots and automation equipment. With the continuous wage growth in various countries, industrial robots and automation equipment can replace manpower needs and improve business efficiency. The Company continued to actively promote factory automation. Apart from reducing operating costs and operating efficiency, the Company expects to promote its own R & D automation equipment to benefit more businesses.

SIMPLO science and technology abundant cash, in addition to retaining some of the new investment funds to a positive transformation and future strategic alliance cooperation, the capital reduction part of the repayment of shares to shareholders, so that shareholders can more effectively use the funds. Xin Pu science and technology can adjust the capital structure and enhance the return on shareholder equity.